I am an ORISE Research Fellow with the US EPA Office of Water and a PhD Candidate at the University of Oregon studying economics. My research interests include environmental and public economics.
ORISE Research Fellow, US EPA Office of Water
Ph.D. Economics, University of Oregon, Expected
M.S. Economics, University of Oregon, 2021
B.A. Economics, University of Virginia, 2017
B.S. Commerce, University of Virginia, 2017
Optimal Subsidies for Residential Solar
Mark Colas and Emmett Reynier. Forthcoming, Journal of Political
Economy Microeconomics. [Paper]
Glyphosate exposure & GM seed rollout unequally reduced
perinatal health
Emmett Reynier and Edward Rubin, 2025. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences. 122 (3). [Paper]
Vertical Migration Externalities
Mark Colas and Emmett Reynier. 2023. Regional Science and Urban
Economics. 101, 103900. [Paper]
The Distributional Impacts of Climate Change across U.S.
Local Labor Markets
Emmett Reynier and John Morehouse. Job Market Paper. [Paper]
Means Tested Solar Subsidies
Mark Colas and Emmett Reynier. Submitted. CESifo Working Paper
11378. [Paper]
Out-of-sight, Out-of-mind? Distance Decay in Use and Non-use
Value of Water Quality
Nathaniel H. Merrill, Emmett Reynier, and Xibo Wan. [Slides]
Primary Instructor
EC 434/534: Environmental Economics, UO Fall 2024,
Winter and Spring 2023
Instructor of record for upper level undergraduate/masters
environmental economics course
EC 320: Introduction to Econometrics, UO Spring
Instructor of record for first course in undergraduate econometrics
Teaching Assistant
EC 421: Introduction to Econometrics, UO Winter
Led lab section for upper level undergraduate econometrics
EC 607: Core Microeconomics III, UO Spring
Led discussion section for 1st year PhD students covering topics in
game theory and general equilibrium
EC 607: Core Microeconomics II, UO Winter
Led discussion section for 1st year PhD students covering topics in
producer theory and partial equilibrium
Research Assistant, Dr. Meredith Fowlie and Dr. Edward
Rubin Eugene, OR 2021
Built a machine learning model to predict air pollution using a chemical
transport model and weather data.
Senior Business Analyst, CarMax Richmond, Va 2019
Built a machine learning model to inform operational strategy and
analyzed experiments to prove its value.
Business Analyst, CarMax Richmond, Va 2017-2019
Worked on a multidisciplinary team of marketing strategists, software
engineers, and data analysts to improve carmax.com’s visibility in
search engine results.
Feeds and Search Engine Marketing Intern, Merkle
Charlottesville, Va 2016
Optimized product feeds for online retail clients to be sent to various
search and comparison shopping engines
2024 Cal Poly, US EPA NCEE, US EPA OPP, AERE Summer
Conference, Social Cost of Water Pollution Workshop, University of
Oregon, Heartland Workshop, Freddy Mac
2023 Freddie Mac, WEAI Annual Conference, Camp
2022 WEAI Annual Conference, SWELL, TWEEDS
2021 Berkeley/Sloan Summer School in Environmental and
Energy Economics
Kleinsorge Summer Research Fellowship, UO 2022
Dale Underwood Outstanding Graduate Student Scholarship, UO 2020
Best 1st Year Econometrics Performance, UO 2020
First Year Fellowship, UO 2019-2020
Referee: Journal
of Economic Behavior and Organization, AERE@WEAI
First Year Student Mentor, UO: 2022, 2024
Computing: R, SQL, Julia, git
Visual: Markdown, LaTeX, Tableau
Languages: English, Spanish (intermediate)
Email: emmetts@uoregon.edu
Website: https://www.emmettreynier.com
Github: emmettreynier
Dr. Mark Colas
Assistant Professor
University of Oregon
Dr. Edward Rubin
Assistant Professor
University of Oregon
Dr. Eric Zou
Assistant Professor
University of Michigan